Relevance of the Availability of Effective vaccines in Aquaculture
Vaccination is one of the most effective tools for preventing animal diseases and for promoting animal health and welfare, safe food production and public health. Despite their importance, there are often challenges to ensure that suitable veterinary vaccines are available in a timely manner on the European Union (EU) market. Veterinary vaccines play a major role in protecting animal health by preventing and controlling serious epizootic diseases. They also have an impact on human health by ensuring safe food supplies and preventing animal-to-human transmission of infectious diseases. For environment-friendly aquaculture and human health concerns owing to the rise in incidences of antimicrobial resistant microbes and food safety hazards, the vaccination strategies are highly effective and economical in protecting the health of fish and aquaculture animals from various infectious agents. Advancements in science have paved newer avenues in both basic and applied research ...